Monday, November 5, 2007


There are a TON of these, but I am still going to, a month after posting them, go through them all and tell you about each one. Hope you brought a snack; this might take a while. From top to bottom...
1. The obligatory conversational pose between the two YAGM volunteers; this was pretty early on in our time in Montevideo.
2. Dorothea, our favorite German flatmate, with Carlos, Carla, their nephew, and their daugher, Alejandra.
3. KD and Dorothea enjoying the sun out on the lower level of our roof; I prefer the upper level, as it is shadier and catches the breeze.
4. The view from the roof - we live on a pretty busy street, Avenida 8 de Octubre. Its a mostly commercial neighborhood with lots of shops - we live next door to a supermarket!
5. Speaking of supermarket, it is the large, red building in this photo, taken from my bedroom. My room looks out over the patio (hence the trees) toward MultiAhorro. Multi looks really cool when the sky is clear blue and the sun is on the other side of the church.
6. Karin and Fafre, two of my Uruguayan friends, getting ready for Un Trato Por El Buentrato. Karin painted Fafre´s face up in mime-like fashion; she has a peace sign on her cheek.
7. After the face painting session (I´m sporting the Uruguayan flag on my cheek), we went out into the neighborhood to "vaccinate" people against child abuse with candy, banners, and (of course) silly hats.
8. Our choir in the Iglesia Valdense (well, the tenors and basses), working hard at learning a song for the Fiesta de Canto back in October.
9. For those of you wondering what mate looks like, voìla. Canarias is THE brand of yerba to buy here; this is an ad poster seen at the Prado Exposition.
10. La Ciudad Vieja (The Old City) as seen from the end of the very long jetty at the entrance of the harbor.
11. Probably the most famous building in Montevideo, the sits right on the Plaza Independencia.
12. Kirsten, Milton, and I enjoying the free entertainment provided by a dance party at La Obra...this the surreal day I wrote about back in October.
13. Fortunately, this see-saw has been taken out of´s an absolute death trap. Predictably, that meant it was a great hit with the kids at La Obra.
14. Geanny and Marcos climbing on the cross in the courtyard/recreation area at La Obra...I´ll let you debate the theological significance of this one.
15. The afternoon crew at La Obra (Alejandra in orange, Roman, Natalia in the lab coat-ish uniform), plus KD, Dorothea, and Ana the cook enjoying the last moments of peace before the kids arrive.
16. Me with Geanny (he´s a big fan of "el caballito," horsie rides); I´m talking to another kid, Aldo. Suffice it to say that days when they show up are seldom dull...
17. Machaela (pink jacket) and Ximena posing at the music museum...awwwww.
18. This picture IS Club de Niños in a nutshell - kids running and in general acting goofy in an environment designed to let them do that, in a safe learning context, despite their home lives and socioeconomic positions. Posing for the picture, we have one of the Christians (there are three), Carolina, and Laura, with Denis making a guest appearance in the background.
19. Roman either talking to the kids, or sneezing - take your pick.
20. During our time at the music museum, the kids got to take to the dancefloor and do a little folk dance, and they ate it up. In the center of the picture are Emilia and Romina.
21. The kids also got to play around with all kinds of musical instruments from all over the they are getting to play a little Andean music with the help of the museum´s curator, who seriously broke it down on the two flutes. It was COOL.
22. Some of the craziest people you could ever hope to meet - Rafael (our choir director), a girl whose name I don´t recall, Silvia, and Lucia. We know all of them through the grupo de jóvenes at the Iglesia Valdense.
23. Madness on the bus: Kirsten smiling away, Sebastian (Wilma´s son) and Tiví/Juliocésar doing I-don´t-know-what, and Rafa and Karin just sort of looking on cluelessly. My shoulder makes a cameo appearance in the corner.
24. Lucia blowing out her birthday candles; the cake involved dulce de leche and was thusly delicious.
25. Conversational poses at grupo de jóvenes with Silvia, Tiví, Jorge Mal, Natalia, and again, part of my arm in my blue plaid shirt.
26. Back to orientation: the group wandering around the colorfully painted houses of La Boca, the old immigrant neighborhood in Buenos Aires. Think tango in seedy bars and whorehouses...oh yeah.
27. The group with two of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo. They shared their stories with us just that evening; it was an incredibly moving experience.
28. The Madres on their weekly march in the Plaza de Mayo.
29. The old steel bridge across the Riochuelo in La Boca.

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