Monday, October 1, 2007

It´s been one month since you...oh, nevermind

Lame pseudo-attempts at Barenaked Ladies humor aside, it really HAS been one month since I arrived here in Montevideo. It´s odd to think that´s the case, as it definitely hasn´t felt like a month. A week occasionally, a decade from time-to-time, but not a month yet.

As such, I think it´s time for...a top ten list this week! This time around, we´ll make it the top ten most thoroughly memorable experiences of my first month.

10. Toothpaste Chernoybl on my very first night.
9. The kids drawing pictures and giving them to me on Friday.
8. Our second Saturday at the mission, when the neighbor´s cat kept disrupting the story of the Samaritan woman at the well.
7. Martín and Dorotea scaring the absolute daylights out me a few nights ago - my very loud "AAAAAAHHHHHHH, JEEEEEEEESUS!" could probably be heard in Buenos Aires.
6. "¡Hace el monito, Kevin!" after it was discovered by the kids that I do a monkey impression.
5. Singing with Kirsten (in English) for our first Sunday service at Nuestro Salvador.
4. The extremely marijuana-scented rock concert last weekend - mediocre quality, but the singer only had one leg and had to use crutches to stand in front of the mic. He also used the word "puto" with great frequency - feel free to google that if you need a translation. Now THAT´S rock n roll!
3. People thinking I was Uruguayan on two different occasions on the same day!
2. First time with the grupo de jóvenes - I STILL only know about 5 names from the group, but a more welcoming bunch is harder to find.
1. TIE - When the kids discovered that I can work wonders with a see-saw, or the sheer sense of community and (I daresay) family that I´ve felt at Wilma´s house when we´ve been invited over for dinner or mate.

I will try to put some pictures up this week, but I make no guarantees. Chau!


Pequeños Milagros said...

Haha. I love the attempted redo of the Barenaked Ladies, and I share your feelings about timing of these trips. It's crazy.

Do you love mate, or what? :-D I would hope so, or your blog name might be a little off...

Hope things are going well!

Kevin Baker said...

Of course I love mate. Also, being in Uruguay, I probably drink more of it than you do - the per capita consumption here is twice that of Argentina, and my co-workers at La Obra are definitely part of that upward consumption trend! It´s not uncommon at all for people to be walking down the sidewalk, talking and drinking mate on the go, or for people to drink mate while driving. It´s so big that the buses all have signs banning mate drinking on the bus for safety reasons!