Monday, October 15, 2007

I am currently experiencing the wonderful sensation of being here, in front of a computer screen, and not actually knowing what to write about. So, in lieu of a coherent entry, here are some one-to-two-sentence snippets from the past week or two.

-I discovered the library in the church, and that it has works of theology, philosophy, and history in 7 different languages, including Bibles in all of those languages (INCLUDING a Septuagint that is now in my room, being read). I am in HEAVEN.

-It only seems to be sunny on my days off (not that this is so bad); last weekend was sunny on Saturday morning, Sunday, and Monday, and this week is shaping out to be the same, although it´s cloudy out now. I could definitely stand a week of uninterrupted sunshine, though - my Texas-reared body doesn´t quite know how to make enough Vitamin D with so comparatively little sunshine.

-I´m having to learn, slowly, how to adequately make my own tortillas, since they apparently aren´t sold anywhere in Montevideo.

-I´ve also mastered the art of making some good black bean soup; feel free to ask me for details.

-Uruguay has, go figure, lots of really good cheese, making it a perfect compliment to it´s large wine-producing neighbor...

-My guitar and I have been having more quality time together since getting here than has been had in the past year or so.

-Yes, yes, I DO have pictures to put up, and they will go up this week - all I have to do is put them on my flash drive.

1 comment:

Peter Gardner said...

Yay for the LXX! Someday I hope to have a decent English translation of it.

I think its version of Isaiah 9 makes more sense than the Masoretic version.