Thursday, July 26, 2007

All the news that's fit to print

Just a few pre-departure updates for your reading pleasure!

-I have met (and possibly surpassed) my minimum fundraising goal; thank you to everyone who has helped me out on that front! I appreciate every single gift given to me, and since it's in giving that we receive, keep a weather eye on your mailbox in September if you helped me out! Also, because of this, I've taken down the book list post; if you're interested in buying books, you can shoot an email and I'll send you a list.

-I don't really have anything new to report on about training or my placement, other than it's being just around the corner! I leave for pre-departure orientation in Chicago on August 19th, and I fly from O'Hare (be still my heart...) to Buenos Aires on the 27th, arriving on the morning of the 28th. I'll have a week or so of orientation in Buenos Aires; it'll be early September when I actually arrive in Bariloche after a 24 hour bus ride from BA (again, be still my heart...). I assume I'll be plunging headfirst into work once I get there, but we'll see.

-If you know me, and you want to hang out one more time before I leave, you should probably call/email/facebook me NOW. I've only got a few weeks left, and one of them has been swallowed up by a road trip, so my hang-out time is a little limited - reservations are recommended!


Unknown said...

Hey Kevin- have a good trip; hope you have packed your woolies (long scratchy woolen underpants)...

Pequeños Milagros said...

Hey Kevin! I think you're on an airplane right now, so I hope that's going well. Good luck, and nos vemos!